miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

Chicken and oat soup

I didn`t belive that i would like this kind of soup but i was surprised how good it is. So try it with all the confidence.
Ingrediente:- 2 chicken thighs;
- 2 medium carrots;
- one small onion;
- a little piece of celery ;
- one bay leaf;
- 6-8 pepper grains;
- a half cup of oat
- a half of a tea spoon of white ground pepper
- one spoon chopped parsley;
- 2 spoons butter.

First you must soak the oat in 2 cups of water for at least one hour.

The carrots and the celery must be cut into 1 cm pieces. The onion must be cut in 4 pieces.

Put 7 cups of water into a pot. Put to boil with the bay leaf, pepper, the carrots, the onion, the celery and the chicken thighs. Simmer for half an hour, than filter the soup.

The chicken thighs`s bones will be removed, the same for the skin. After that you must cut the meat in small bits.

After you are done with the chicken you must drain the oat. Than  put the butter (2 spoons) into a pan and fry the oat for 3-4 minutes.  After that put the soup over the fried oat and simmer it another 30 minutes.

 In the end, after those 30 minutes, add salt, the white pepper and the bits of meat and simmer another 3   
minutes. After it`s done add the chopped parsley and cover the pot for a few minutes.

Buen apetito!

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