miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

Beouf salad

Another of my favorites.....

- 6-7 big potatoes;
- 6 carrots;
- 1 big parsnip;
- 1 big celery  - the root (or even two);- one big chicken brest or one big piece of beef;
- one onion;
- 10 pickled little cucumbers.
For the mayo:
- 2 eggs - one boiled and one not.
- sweet mustard;
- salt, oil.

Put into a pressure cooker: the meat (chicken or beef), the carrots, the potatoes, the parsnip, the celery (s), the onion. Nothing cut just peeled and washed. I know someone who didn`t peel them so please do :))
Also, add some salt too.

From the moment it starts boiling let it to simmer another 30-45 minutes ( if you use chicken) or 60 - 75 minutes (if you use beef).

After it`s done set the vegetables and the meat aside to cool a little and throw out the onion.
When all are cool start cut them in small pieces. Also cut in small pieces the pickled cucumbers too (drain the cucumbers juice!!!)

After all are chopped blend them all, add salt, the ground pepper and the mayo, blend it again and voila...the salad is done.

The mayo: In a mixer bowl put the boiled yolk, the raw yolk, salt and a teaspoon of mustard. Mix them all together and add oil (slowly) until you obtain the right quantity of mayo that you need.

I like to eat the salad with some black olives.....You can try it....


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